MALACHITE💚 Heart chakra, Solar Plexua Element: Fire Astro: Capricorn, Scorpio 🌱Deeply transforming, known as the stone of transformation 🐍Heals physically + emotionally, drawing out impurities + emotional blockages 🌍Protection against radiation, EMFs and helps to heal the earth 💚the Midwife stone - healing female cycle issues, easing labor, healing past trauma held in the womb 🦚Good stone for balance, abundance, manifestation and intention "I AM open to divine love, abundance, health and wholeness" Your Copper Ring might tarnish over time, or leave a green line on your skin - this is completely normal and safe. If your ring tarnishes you can use lemon juice to clean it. Any green mark will wash off. Some of the benefits of Copper: 🌺Help allievate Joint pain + Arthritis 🌺Said to help with Headache relief 🌺Increase cardiovascular health 🌺Connected to the heart chakra + the divine feminine energy 🌺Can help with mineral absorption 🌺Healthier immune system 🌺Said to have anti-aging properties
Copper Malachite Ring by Intention.